30 Things at Thirty

30 Things at Thirty


I originally wrote this ahead of turning 30 this year, and it basically outlines a list of 30 things that I want to try to achieve in the year of being thirty.

Unfortunately, due to Coronavirus a lot of these things that were planned (or scheduled to be planned) had to be cancelled - which sucks. So 3 months later, I’m publishing the list for everyone to see, and to provide myself a little bit of a drive to accomplish each thing.

My 30 Things

In no particular order:

  1. Complete a 5k ✔️
  2. Complete a 10k
  3. Complete a 1/2 marathon
  4. Complete a marathon
  5. Go to an F1 race
  6. Visit Chernobyl
  7. Visit Dublin 👎
  8. Go to Henley Regatta
  9. See the Northern Lights
  10. Be able to do 30 pull-ups
  11. Eurotunnel/Train to France
  12. See a show in London West End
  13. Edinburgh Fringe
  14. Watch the sunrise
  15. Watch the sunset
  16. Give blood ✔️
  17. Geneva Motorshow
  18. Aushwitz
  19. Colour run
  20. Go to a Pride Event
  21. Meet someone famous
  22. Reconnect with old friend
  23. Go on a cruise
  24. Do a talk at an event
  25. Cirque du Soleil
  26. Wimbledon
  27. Michelin Star Meal ✔️
  28. Random Act of Kindness
  29. Own dream car
  30. Santorini sunset

In retrospect, looking at that list, a fair few are no longer possible as the opportunity simply doesn’t exist anymore (eg. Wimbledon, Pride Events, Geneva Motorshow, F1 Race).

Anyway, I’ll work through as much of the list as possible ahead of the end of my 30s, and see what other things I can add on as well.

Update 2023 - some things on the list weren’t possible due to the global pandemic, recovering economy, cancelled events, increased interest rates, or more generally - work.